Wednesday, October 3, 2012

12th week

12th week is my last week. Yaaay!
(October 1-4, 2012)

           Exciting! Why ? We're finally at the end. At last we finished the number of hours in our On the Job Training. I'm so happy to say that. I know that's a good news. It's been a long time for me working here at because I'm glad to say to you guys that I learned a lot from this company like being a professional in the work also bring you as a person. Also in communicating with our co-workers it's an honor for me that in this big big world I knew them and spare time with them and laughing with them every time we had a break. Of course, this week I still do the Mypromo Spotlight because every time Sir Aldrin Papa will upload in the website something's wrong and suddenly I'm going to fix it right away and thanked God the only things wrong is the background-size it must be in 100%. Hooray! Done.

CSS / HTML Programming 

Spending the time with co-practicumer. Chester Marie Sia and Chrzel Jaimee Patulot.

co-practicumer :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

11th Week

11th Week (September 24-28, 2012)

In our 11th week in the office,  we still in the process of making and revising the MyPromo Spotlight. Thanked God all set and done with the MyPromo Spotlight.

MyPromo Spotlight HOME

MyPromo Spotlight (When you're going to BUY)

MyPromo Spotlight (When you're going to BUY and get the Product)

MyPromo Spotlight VOTE an ITEM

September 25,2012 we had our recollection at CEU Chapel from 8 am to 4 pm in the afternoon :) I had a great day spending the whole time with God and with co-schoolmate and classmates, Also I learned a lot of things in myself and also being who you are and being faithful to God and to strengthen your self whatever you do everyday in our life and lastly to be a better person. 

As week ass by, I got to take a picture with some co-worker at office and with Chester Marie Sia and Chrzel Jaimee Patulot 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

10th Week :)

10th Week (September 17-21, 2012)

This week we had to finish the spotlight because we’re stuck in this webpage the MyPromo Spotlight. Because there so many revisions and they add some in the content.  

CSS / HTML Programming

Doing CSS / HTML Programming with Sir Aldrin Papa

September 18,2012 Tuesday  we attended the Job Fair in the SMX Convention Center  at around 2pm. As we rooming around inside the convention center , we prepared 10 resumes to  submit in the company’s we desired to apply for.  And some companies are we  just write our email address and they are the one to email us if they want us to be in their company. We hope so! So far in this experienced I learned a lot to strike whatever challenge in our life. Because how many months is we’ll go to face our future and it’s our time to decide what field we are really.

@ SMX Convention Center at MOA 

Me @ SMX !

with my friends (BSOT-4A)


At this weekdays end still I’m in the spotlight page.

@ the office.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

8th and 9th Week

9th WEEK! (September 11-15, 2012)

    To have a good and fresh start the week. We participated as required for us the seminar in UP Diliman the Y4IT Congress. I will not elaborate all the things we did on this day because too much to mention but all I can say the seminar is all about the Technology though Technology now is so much wide to explore and you can learn a lot like the new inventions and everything that connects to technology as we all adopting these days. As an IT student I will do my best to be part and be updated with our new technologies  in this big big world. We can be part of helping other people to let them know what’s new and by giving ideas to them that technology has the big part in us. 

@ UP Diliman - UP Theater

@ UP Diliman

with Chester Marie Sia and Ma. Bituin Valles

Me and Ma. BituinValles

with my better half :)

        Any, This week, we doesn’t have so much hassle thing we did in the office. Just revising the MyPromo Spotlight and we changed the progress bar in the page, as we finished the webpage we passed to our programmer so that he can deploy the page in the site. 

with CO-OJT :)

Doing CSS/ HTML Programming

with Chrzel Jaimee Patulot

with Chester Marie Sia 

with Chrzel Jaimee Patulot

After work. At school.

8th WEEK! (September 3-8, 2012)

    We're still in the MYPROMO Spotlight because we have something to mend in the webpage then after fixing the page we passed it in our Programmer (Sir Aldrin Papa) then in our work at some point there's flaws we need to repair again. But overall it's okay.

Doing HTML / CSS Programming

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

7th week!

7th week! (August 28- September 1,2012)

     Still working on the MYPROMO SPOTLIGHT, At the end of Wednesday I’m done with MYPROMO SPOTLIGHT. I think I’m doing great all the way. Hooray!


With my co-mates Chester Sia and Chrzel Patulot :)

5th and 6th Week!

5th and 6th Week

6th Week! (August 22 and 23 2012)

          At last I’m done with my MYPROMO PLUS, My next work is to do the MYPROMO Spotlight.  When I started doing the MYPROMO SPOTLIGHT is to achieve to finish in time. And  that's what I did. Great!


5th Week!(August 13-18, 2012)

           Week by week we learned and adapt new things. Lately, we are working so hard just to finish what we started and what our boss assigned to us. I’m half way to get done with my work MYPROMO PLUS. That’s all for this week.


3rd and 4th week in OJT

3rd and 4th week in OJT :)

4th Week! (August 6-11, 2012)

       In our 4th week, there’s so much absences because of the Thypoon “HABAGAT” that came in our country and just ruined most of the places here in the Philippines.

3rd Week! (July 30- August 4, 2012)

        Going at the office every weekdays working at what our boss told us. In our 3rd week, we currently finising the one that assigned to us. MyPromo PLUS is what I’m working. As day pass by, here in the office, what I usually do is to program using Adobe Dreamweaver in programming the css/html and Adobe Photoshop for cutting or editing the pictures to deploy in the webpage. Soon as possible our website will be release. By the way, In this week, additional activities I participated is that we celebrated the Science and Technology Week 

Science and Technology Week Celebration

Science and Technology Night 

with BSIT-4A Girls :'>