Wednesday, August 29, 2012

3rd and 4th week in OJT

3rd and 4th week in OJT :)

4th Week! (August 6-11, 2012)

       In our 4th week, there’s so much absences because of the Thypoon “HABAGAT” that came in our country and just ruined most of the places here in the Philippines.

3rd Week! (July 30- August 4, 2012)

        Going at the office every weekdays working at what our boss told us. In our 3rd week, we currently finising the one that assigned to us. MyPromo PLUS is what I’m working. As day pass by, here in the office, what I usually do is to program using Adobe Dreamweaver in programming the css/html and Adobe Photoshop for cutting or editing the pictures to deploy in the webpage. Soon as possible our website will be release. By the way, In this week, additional activities I participated is that we celebrated the Science and Technology Week 

Science and Technology Week Celebration

Science and Technology Night 

with BSIT-4A Girls :'>


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